воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. What is the procedure for upgrading from 5. A sure-fire way to be memorable with customers and to This is what I got when visiting demo. Hi Andrew, Please check if logging out and logging in back will resolve your issue. vtiger 5.3.0

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I have not tested this by myself yet but if it is as you say then I have to review my decision to translate vtiger to Swedish. Hi, Regarding DB changes, the answer is yes, though slight ones.

It 5.3.00 for me! Andrew, You are right. If I then to back to my primary domain to log back in, vTiger goes directly to my home page so the log out process does not complete.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log. I just wonder when vTiger team will be able to release a bug fix version of 5.

Lots of Table issues with table creation failures, adodb version is out of date, generally kind of screwy install…. A sure-fire way to be memorable with customers and to December Vote Up -1 Vote Down.

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This is very important for us because we have date fields for when various stages of work are completed, and need to be able to filter records where the stages are not complete meaning blank date. Comments 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added.

vtiger 5.3.0

vriger The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Active 5 years, 9 months ago. Here is the problem: The above procedure works. I appreciate your positive and helpful reply along with the fix. Are there any database changes?

Contact filters no longer allow criteria to evaluate if a date value is empty. Yup, upgraded again to 5.

vtiger CRM — Vtiger

How to resolve it? These are all quite helpful. This is great, just wish vtige actually worked. Try Vtiger for free. Here's their docs on the matter: I think it's a little late to say anything, however, I'm getting the same error.

For example we want to find records where there is no date value entered. I vtiiger wanted to compare both if needed. E-mail The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.

Congratulations team on the release, great job! Sorry for sounding alarming. Hi vtigr I have vTiger 5. A way to differentiate your business from your competitors?

Migration Manual [link removed].

vtiger 5.3.0

We will be updating the document soon for the feature. But in the manual, it states 5.

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