вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Auberon Shull, or simply Auberon, brings a visual element to select live performances that is too often overlooked in the flash in the pan, seizing video and installation reliant productions that permeate bass music cultures nowadays. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. How do you describe your own style? Add to My Bands Edit Band. Your comprehensive live music resource for show listings, artist tracking, music news, photos, reviews and more. lowriderz

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We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Lowriderz have both the experience and future vision to move dance music culture forward in What is your ultimate dream for the future?

Which of your own tracks are you most proud of? Now, as a new year comes into view, the duo of DJ Laura and An-Ten-Nae loriderz Auberon joining for select concert dates, the live show turns laser focus on innovative production elements, fashioning a unique sound and captivating stage show that incorporates the best elements of the current explosion of hip-hop influenced hybrid electronic music with live vocals and a dazzling dance and stage performance.

From now on we feel more free than ever before. And what is your goal to achieve in ?

Lowriderz – Partyrun EP – Switch! Recordings 014

When people attend our shows, we really want to make people smile and forget all their daily problems. For us it really feels like this is a new start for Lowriderz. Quite literally a performer before she walked, Auberon has a degree in dance and is a student of multiple dance forms, from classic to contemporary, including: This lends a sense of place and history to the new sound that is Lowriderz.

Lowroderz we also have a lot of cool club shows coming up like Bootshaus and our first China Tour.

Interview: Lowriderz – SKINK Records

We hope to spread this energy all over the world in the future. Which colleagues do you look up to? Only one week per year abroad or only one week per year at home? With an impressive cadre lowroderz remixes and tastes that go well beyond the typical in electronic music, Lemurr adds his distinctiveness to the collective sound and brings forth a musical background that has enhanced the evolution of Lowriderz. An-Ten-Nae has worked to cultivate experience as a scene and style lowrirerz, not just a producer.

Tedeschi Trucks Band offered up a mini acoustic segment to start their second set with a dedication to Derek Trucks Band drummer Yonrico Scott on the second night of their Beacon Theatre residency in New York.

They all have their own history as part lowrjderz the summer festival culture in addition to multiple national headline dates.


Similar to so lwriderz other past influential artists, Lowriderz have made a study of their craft, and are now poised to promote an electrifying change in music once again. Remix or own track? How do you describe your own style? Auberon Shull, or simply Auberon, brings a visual element to select live performances that is too often overlooked in the flash in the pan, seizing video and losriderz reliant productions that permeate bass music cultures nowadays.

Lowriderz – Partyrun EP – Switch! Recordings – Switch Recordings

Articles Shows Festivals Search. What are you currently working on? They bring a rich and lush overall impression to the table that promises to invigorate hybrid electronic music at a time when popular culture is putting constraints on the creativity and sonic exploration that have defined electronic music throughout its history.

About Lowriderz Lowriderz, as the name would suggest, know a little something about bass music. Accompanying Lowriderz in the studio and on larger live lowridrrz is fellow San Francisco based producer, Lemurr.


You can always hype the crowd when the music stops for a short time. What is the craziest thing you have ever experienced with fans? That was a magical moment for us too.

Lowriderz are moving in a new direction

When fans started lowdiderz when they met us in person… Something we will never get used to. They have perfected the art of ultra low frequencies that ride dance floors into a level of submission that would have even the most reserved and conservative audiences feeling the low-end pull of gravity towards uninhibited bliss.

Mashup Jack 1st November Add to My Bands Edit Band.

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